Anna Elisa D’Agostino
T: 06 8522 5989
Viale Romania, 32
00197 Roma
Project Management
Chiara Sganga
T: 06 8522 5994
Sara Mangoni
T: 06 8522 5740
Licia Gallo
T: 06 8522 5958
Financial reporting
Roberta Pellicano
T: 06 8522 5440
3POD - 3d Printing in Orthopaedics for personalized Devices
Head: Daniele Mascia
Modern additive-manufacturing technology (also called 3D printing - 3DP) allows each product to be fabricated layer-by layer according to a computer model: this finally enables the design of personalized medical devices, according to the disease, deformity, dimensions, status, and demand of every single patient. To obtain this, additional imaging and analyses, and thus resources, are necessary. Better performance, easier implantation, less instrumentation, cheaper procedures, and shorter recovery and rehabilitation may be associated. The project aims to quantify efficacy, cost/benefits, and other impacts for the introduction of this novel technology in orthopedics. A number of custom-made implants will be investigated, for both severe bone loss and elective surgery. These will be classified for the affected joint and original pathology. Clinical outcome, timing, costs, benefits, team organization will be traced. Relevant impacts on the organization of an orthopedic center are also investigated.
CTE-ROL - Casa delle Tecnologie Emergenti
Head: Fernando Christian Iaione
The project CTE-ROL, led by Rome Capital, will create a physical innovation space - Casa delle Tecnologie Emergenti - at Tiburtina Station, where teams of researchers, startups and SMEs can make proposals to develop, implement and bring to market solutions based on 5G, Internet of Things, Blockchain and Artificial Intelligence, as well as take part in technology transfer programs, informative workshops and networking activities with companies operating in the field.
FinTech and Artificial Intelligence in Financial Markets
Head: Emanuele Tarantino
The project focuses on the impact of banks' adoption of machine learning technologies on corporate lending. There is ample evidence regarding the use of algorithms by financial intermediaries to make investment decisions. This project will focus on how automation of lending processes affects competition among banks. A structural model of competition among banks will be estimated using a dataset containing information on loans disbursed by Italian banks, and then consider counterfactual scenarios in which banks compete using unsupervised learning algorithms to decide credit policies.
Geopolitica del digitale
Head: Raffaele Marchetti
The project is carried out by the Med-Or Foundation in collaboration with the Center for International and Strategic Studies (CISS) at Luiss Guido Carli University. The research aims to produce analysis on the issues that intersect digital policy and international relations, in order to advance academic knowledge, nurture policy debate in the Italian and international context, and foster dissemination on these issues. The research has two main phases: the writing of ten analytical papers and a final conference in which to present this research. These papers and the conference benefit from the extensive relational networks of both the Med-Or Foundation and Luiss University, which allows the involvement of not only leading international experts as authors of the papers, but also leading stakeholders from the institutional and business world as guests at the final conference.
Per.Se.O. - Percorsi, Servizi, Orientamento all'inclusione socio lavorativa dei titolari di protezione internazionale
Head: Livia De Giovanni
The major aim of Per.Se.O is to ensure support for the job placement of refugees in Italy, contributing to their general autonomy, to be "built" through the implementation of specific individual paths of socio-economic inclusion, following their exit from the reception circuit. The scientific research activity is aimed at monitoring and evaluating the different areas of intervention promoted, paths and services activated in favor of refugees who have been out of the reception circuit for 18 months. The main purpose of monitoring is the detection of any deviations from the set objectives, so as to enable timely corrective action, including through the collection of qualitative-quantitative indicators. Ex-post evaluation spans the entire project period, with a particular interest in the impact it generates and the various aspects of efficiency (in the use of resources), effectiveness (with respect to objectives) and sustainability of the project.
ProBen - Un modello di intervento dedicato al benessere psicofisico
Head: Emiliana De Blasio
The ProBen project, un modello di intervento dedicato al benessere psicofisico e alla crescita personale ed emotiva della popolazione studentesca, aims to implement initiatives for the promotion of psychophysical well-being, the development of inclusion and personal and emotional growth pathways for the student population, and the prevention and counteraction of emotional distress. The Luiss project – in partnership with the University of Rome Tor Vergata, the University of Roma Tre, the University of Cassino and Southern Lazio, the University Campus Bio-Medico, the National Dance Academy, and the Santa Cecilia Conservatory – includes: research actions through a survey of the student population at the participating universities, the creation and strengthening of structures to counter risk factors, and the implementation of psychological counseling and activities of information, dissemination, and guidance.
SISFO-AP – Sistema Integrato Smart per l'utilizzo di Fertilizzante Organico per l'Agricoltura di Precisione
Head: Matteo Giuliano Caroli
The main goal of the project SISFO-AP is to realize an integrated smart system for the use of organic fertilizer for precision agriculture. The SISFO-AP system consists of the integration of several components: a plant capable of producing solid and liquid fertilizer from organic wastewater from various sources, an IoT monitoring and control platform, and a smart irrigation system for the use of fertilizer produced in agriculture.
Received financial support
Total grant: 1.138.038,61€
Awarded grant: 797.414,65€
The project is co-financed with funds from the POR-FESR 2021/2027 of the Lazio Region, under the Public Notice "Riposizionamento Competitivo RSI" - POR FESR Lazio 2021-2027 approved by Det n. G18823, December 12, 2022.
Smart Agri Tools – Sistemi Software e Hardware per l’agricoltura di precisione e l’analisi dei modelli economici
Head: Gianluca Fabbri
The project Smart Agri Tools is oriented toward the study and demonstration of Software and Hardware Systems for precision agriculture and the analysis of economic models. The project, resulting from a joint agreement between Luiss Business School and the University of Tuscia, intends to enhance, through the expertise of the Luiss Business School, the results obtained from previous research activities with the aim of demonstrating solutions for precision agriculture in operational environments. To foster the interest of stakeholders and companies to participate in the following completion of the research development, an online platform for communication and dissemination of results integrated with an IT tool is planned.
Received financial support
Total grant: 147,657.82€
Luiss Business School grant: 103,577.82€
The project is co-financed with funds from the POR-FESR 2014/2020 of the Lazio Region, under the Public Notice Research Groups 2020 - POR FESR Lazio 2014-2020 approved by Det n. July 19, 2020 n. G08487.
Past projects
Head: Antonino Gullo
The aim of the project - in continuity with the first research cycle - is to contribute to the development of a new theoretical framework of international politics that is adequate to understand and analyze coordinated disinformation operations in Italy. The long-term goal is thus to contribute to the organization and consolidation of a field of research that, especially in the Italian scientific debate, is currently still at a preliminary stage (i.e., the empirical study of coordinated disinformation operations). The key short-term goal, on the other hand, is to draft a practical handbook containing guidelines and policy directions to prevent or contain the effects of coordinated disinformation operations in the Italian context, whether carried out by state or private actors.
Head: Antonino Gullo
The use of big data analytics and artificial intelligence software is an emerging trend in preventing the risk of offenses being committed within companies and, in general, complex organizations. The research project intends to focus on the problematic scenario of a possible automation of criminal compliance, starting from the consideration that, in this field, theoretical problems and implications of a practical nature have not been investigated until now. The proposed research is therefore aimed at analyzing the benefits and risks deriving from the use of these systems, framing these practices within the "general categories" of the entity's criminal liability in a comparative perspective and identifying solutions that may allow, particularly in the private sector, to use similar innovative prevention methods while minimizing the risks of incurring sanctions.
Head: Paolo Spagnoletti
The CYBER 4.0 project aims to build a highly specialized competence centre dedicated to specific cybersecurity-related topics, such as e-health, automotive and space. In particular, it is one of the eight centres of expertise in terms of “Industry 4.0” envisaged by the MISE (Italian Ministry of Economic Development). CYBER 4.0 is expression of a public-private partnership involving public research organisations, no-profit public bodies and private entities (such as large companies, SMEs and Foundations), and aims to provide guidance, training, research and innovation services to businesses.
Head: Fabiano Schivardi
The project aims to investigate the impact of Covid-19 on businesses and families as well as the possible intervention policies to be implemented, focusing on the economic and production crisis that arose following the pandemic, through the analysis of the impact of the interventions implemented by the government to limit its spread, both at businesses and households level. In addition, the project aims to examine and evaluate the health costs related to the activity of companies belonging to the so-called "essential sectors", i.e. how many infections are to be attributed to companies that continued to operate during the lockdown.
Head: Raffaele Marchetti
The project aims to analyze the international, regional and national drivers of the Italian stance in the field of European defense. This objective will be pursued through a dual strategy: on the one hand, the research team aims to map the evolution of European defense and Italian participation in the three major recent initiatives in this sector: PESCO, EDF and CARD. The project will develop quantitative indicators to estimate the Italian contribution to European defense, which will be accompanied by a detailed qualitative analysis of European opportunities in a rapidly changing political-diplomatic context. Secondly, the project aims to create focus groups and understand the different preferences of political, bureaucratic and industrial players, in order to then examine the strengths and weaknesses of the Italian stance in Europe. As a final act, the research team will organize an international conference at the Luiss Guido Carli in Rome, which will be attended by both policy-makers and internationally renowned scholars.
Head: Pietro De Giovanni
The project promotes the development of the concept of responsible digitization in the management of the Supply Chain (SC). In particular, the project focuses on identifying an effective digital transformation process that the SCs can undertake to achieve Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) objectives. The project consists of three work packages, each of which is related to a different technology available for the SC for the implementation of responsible digitization, specifically Industry 4.0, Blockchain and Artificial Intelligence systems. Although the economic and operational benefits of these technologies have been extensively documented in the literature, several doubts are still related to their implications in terms of CSR. For example, the adoption of Blockchain technology helps to pursue the risk reduction objectives of the SC; nevertheless, its use requires a high consumption of energy, with consequent environmental repercussions. This project aims to identify all possible trade-offs deriving from digital transformation in SC by analyzing the main ingredients of CSR such as economic, environmental and social performance through a triangulation of methodologies.
Head: Michele Sorice
The aim of this project is to investigate the evolution of political participation during the Great Recession and (potentially) the current pandemic crisis, which we consider as critical global junctures in terms of both the economic impact that they had and the political consequences they caused. The project is specifically focused on the study of unequal political participation and on the effects of these critical global junctures on political inequalities. While analysing the lines of stratification of political participation, the study is deeply committed to identify possible mechanisms that might act to mitigate participatory inequalities. In particular, two broad processes will be studied as potentially mobilizing factors of traditionally underrepresented citizens. On the one hand, the study will analyse the impact of populism throughout the Great Recession on participatory behaviour, under the hypothesis that populist parties, appealing to lower social strata, might have played a positive role in boosting participation of these social groups; on the other hand, we will explore the role of on-line participation tools to facilitate off-line participation.