Admission to Master's Degree Programmes for Extra-EU Students

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Admissions Office


Libera Università Internazionale

degli Studi Sociali Guido Carli

Viale Romania, 32 - 00197 Roma

T +39 06 85225270/263 

Il tuo 5x1000 alla Luiss: C.F. 02508710585

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International students from Extra-EU countries who do not obtain their bachelor's degree in Italy may gain admission to Luiss University’s master's degree programmes in the 2025/2026 academic year if they meet one of the following requirements:  

  • are regularly enrolled in their third year in the 2024/2025 academic year and by 13 November 2025 obtain a bachelor's degree abroad entitling them to enrol at Italian universities; 
  • hold a bachelor's degree obtained abroad entitling them to enrol at Italian universities. 


Submission of Applications

The selection procedure for admission will take place from November 2024 to 26 February 2025. 

  • Applications submitted by 26 February 2025, with outcome decided by mid-March. Admitted students must register for attendance by paying the first instalment of the annual tuition fee by 15 April 2025.  

Each candidate may submit only one application and the outcome will be communicated by e-mail to the address provided on condition that the application is complete and accompanied by the required documents specified in the FAQ section. The offer of admission will be valid exclusively for the 2025/2026 academic year and for the degree programme chosen during the application phase. 

In order to submit their application for admission, candidates are required to pay an application fee of € 30 online when filling out the application form. 


This fee is compulsory for the submission of the application and will not be refundable under any circumstances. 


Admission Paths

 Admission can be gained through the evaluation of academic qualifications or directly based on GMAT or GRE certification, as detailed below. 

 Deadlines for Finalising University Enrolment 


In the event of admission, after registering for attendance (iscrizione alla frequenza) and paying the first instalment of the annual tuition fee, it will be necessary to finalise university enrolment (immatricolazione) by 13 November 2025 as soon as the bachelor's degree has been obtained.  

Students will receive instructions by e-mail from July 2025 onwards.  


Deadlines for submitting applications for admission 


The selection procedure will take place from November 2024 until 26 February 2025 in a single session in accordance with the timetable below:

 Submission of application for admissionCommunication of the outcome Registration for attendance
Single SessionApplications received by 26 February 2025End March 2025By 15 April 2025

Download the Call for Applications

Submit Application

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For which degree programmes can I apply?

Degree programmes taught in italian 

  • Amministrazione, finanza e controllo
  • Economia e Finanza (in italiano)
  • Governo, Amministrazione e Politica
  • Marketing (orientation in italian)
  • Strategic Management (orientation in italian)

Degree programmes taught in english 

  • Economia e Finanza – major in Applied Economics; major in Finance
  • Corporate Finance
  • Data Science and Management
  • Global Management and Politics
  • International Relations
  • Management 
  • Marketing (orientation in english)
  • Policies and Governance in Europe
  • Strategic Management (orientation in english)


You may only apply for one degree programme/major from among those listed above. Your choice can only be changed by the deadline of 26 February by sending a specific request to

What documents must be submitted with the application for admission?

In order to complete their application for admission, candidates will be required to pay an application fee of € 30 online via a special purpose payment platform when filling out their application. 


This fee is compulsory for the submission of the application and will not be refundable under any circumstances. 


The following documents must be attached to your application in order to take part in the selection process: 


  1. Passport and/or identity card. 

  2. Transcript of Records issued by the university of origin, complete with all examinations taken and to be taken and referring to each academic year of enrolment, with official stamp of the university of origin.  

    If the degree has not yet been obtained, the certificate must contain the official indication of the weighted average, preferably converted to a 4.0 scale (US grading system), referring to the end of the penultimate year of the degree programme (summer session of the 2023/2024 academic year).  

    If the degree has already been obtained, candidates must attach the final diploma and Transcript of Records with the final grade, preferably converted to a 4.0 scale (US grading system). 

    Should the certificate be issued in a language other than Italian, English or French, it must be translated by a qualified translator from among those specified by the Italian embassy in loco. 

  3. Certification of at least level B2 CEFR proficiency in the English language issued no more than three years previously. Please refer to the FAQ below for information on the certificates to be submitted. 

    Only the final level stated on the certificate (B2, C1 or C2) will be taken into account for assessment purposes and not any interim levels. 

    In the case of schooling done entirely through English, candidates will automatically be assigned level B2. In order to be assigned a higher level and hence obtain any bonus that may be associated therewith, candidates must submit one of the prescribed certificates when filling out the application showing that higher level. 

    In the event of choosing a degree programme taught in Italian, for university enrolment purposes it will be mandatory to submit a certificate evidencing at least level B2 proficiency in the Italian language. 

  4. Optional GMAT or GRE certification with the scores specified in the FAQ below

What will the admission criteria be?

Admission can be gained through the evaluation of academic qualifications or directly based on GMAT or GRE certification. The outcome of the application will be determined in one of the following ways depending on the documentation submitted by students:

  1. In the case of submission of a GMAT or GRE certificate with the required minimum scores, admission will be direct subject to verifying the validity of the certification and checking the prerequisite bachelor’s degree.  

  2. In the absence of GMAT or GRE certificates with the required minimum scores, the relevant commission will decide on admission/non-admission on the basis of an assessment of academic performance

How is direct admission through GMAT or GRE obtained?

You will be admitted directly if you hold:  

  • a GRE certificate with the following scores: Verbal: 145 - Quantitative: 145 or 

  • a GMAT certificate

    GMAT “Focus” Edition (current GMAT version) with a score of 515 out of 805, or  

    GMAT 10th Edition with a score of 550 out of 800. 

For the degree programmes in Corporate Finance or Management, students may apply for direct admission if they hold:  

  • a GRE certificate with the following scores: Verbal: 150 - Quantitative: 150 or 

  • a GMAT certificate:  

    GMAT “Focus” Edition (current GMAT version) with a score of 555 out of 805, or 

    GMAT 10th Edition with a score of 600 out of 800. 

Please note that applications for admission on the basis of GMAT/GRE will only be processed and considered valid for admission purposes if the GMAT or GRE certificate can be verified directly from the GMAC or ETS platform by the deadline of 26 February 2025. 

Please note that in the event of admission on the basis of GMAT or GRE scores, academic performance will not be taken into account for admission purposes. 

If I do not have a GMAT/GRE certificate with the required scores, how will my application be evaluated?

In this case, admission/non-admission will be determined by a ranking, compiled in order of scores as set out below. 

  • The student's academic performance based on:  

    for students who have not yet obtained their degree: weighted average at the end of the penultimate year of their degree programme, as specified in the official Transcript of Records issued by the university of origin; 

    for students who have already graduated: final weighted average as indicated on the official Transcript of Records issued by the university of origin. 

The weighted average should preferably be converted to a 4.0 scale (US grading system). In the event that the weighted average indicated on the official documentation attached to the application is not already converted to a 4.0 scale, Luiss will convert it. The GPA on a 4.0 scale will be stated in 70ths. 

  • The level of English language knowledge demonstrated through certification. The minimum level required is B2. However, by submitting a certificate with a higher level it will be possible to obtain the following bonus points:

Level of knowledge of the English language  Points  
B2 + 0 
C1 + 15 
C2 + 30 
  • Possible bonus for GMAT/GRE certifications with the following scores to obtain a bonus of + 10 points

    a GRE certificate with the following scores: Verbal: 135 - 139 and Quantitative: 135 - 139  or 

    a GMAT certificate

    GMAT “Focus” Edition (current GMAT version) with a score between 445 and 475 out of 805, or 

    GMAT 10th Edition with a score between 450 and 499 out of 800;  


  • Possible bonus for GMAT/GRE certifications with the following scores to obtain a bonus of + 20 points

    a GRE certificate with the following scores: Verbal: 140 - 144 and Quantitative: 140 - 144  or 

    a GMAT certificate:  

    GMAT “Focus” Edition (current GMAT version) with a score between 485 and 505 out of 805; or 

    GMAT 10th Edition with a score between 500 and 549 out of 800. 


When drawing up the rankings, the relevant commission, at its sole discretion and taking into account the trend in enrolments and the results obtained by candidates, will set a minimum threshold score for admission differentiated for each degree programme/major.  

Please note that the offer of admission will be valid only for the 2025/2026 academic year and only for the programme chosen at the time of application. 

What is the annual tuition fee for master's degree programmes?

For the 2025/2026 academic year, the annual tuition fee for enrolling in the first year of a master's degree programme is € 13,600 divided into three instalments, with the exception of the degree programmes in Corporate Finance and Management for which the said fee is € 15,300.

Are scholarships available?

Admission does not entail the awarding of scholarships. Admitted candidates may compete for the awarding of scholarships in accordance with the criteria and timetable you will find on ​​this webpage

I have been admitted! What are the next steps?

Congratulations! Below is a summary of the next steps that you have to take. You will also be e-mailed a guide on registering for attendance and the associated timeframe for doing so. 


Admitted students can check the instructions, the methods for paying the €4,600 (€ 5,100 for the degree programmes in Corporate Finance and in Management) due for registering for attendance and the relevant deadlines on the University’s website on the page dedicated thereto. 


Please note that for applications submitted by 26 February, the deadline for registering for attendance is 15 April 2025. Any request to register for attendance received after the deadlines specified in the Call for Applications will not be considered. Indeed, under no circumstances will it be possible to remedy the situation after the expiry of the deadline, not even by paying a penalty.  


In light of the specified deadlines, students are requested to contact the Admissions Office at in good time should they require support. In case of simultaneous participation in a number of selection processes (other universities, scholarships, etc.), the onus is on students themselves to check whether the various deadlines are compatible with the above. Any students that do not have their credentials for access to the Web Self-Service platform should promptly contact the Admissions Office at the above-mentioned address, by the deadline set for the session in which the application is submitted. 


Admission and registering for attendance is to be considered as conditional until receipt of the original documentation regarding the prerequisite academic qualification, the statement of validity (dichiarazione di valore) to be requested from the Italian diplomatic or consular authorities for the country whose education system awarded the foreign academic qualification and, for students with Extra-EU citizenship, documentation regarding personal identity and their visa, where applicable. For information on the issuing of study visas, students may contact: 

When will I have to finalise university enrolment?

After registering for attendance through paying the first instalment of the annual tuition fee by the deadline set for the session in which the application is submitted and once you have obtained your bachelor's degree, you must finalise your university enrolment and, in any case, by the non-extendable deadline of 13 November 2025. You will receive instructions for completing the procedure by e-mail from July 2025 onwards. 

 We recommend that you check in good time that you have correctly completed the university enrolment process. Should you do not finalise enrolment by 13 November 2025, regardless of having previously registered for attendance, your application will automatically be discarded and it will not be possible to proceed with enrolment for the 2025/2026 academic year.

Nascondi per questa lingua
Admission to Luiss University’s master’s degree programmes in the 2025-2026 academic year for international students: requirements, deadlines, enrolment and detailed procedures.