Matteo Maggiori: winner of the Carlo Alberto Medal

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After completing the Luiss bachelor’s program in Economics and a master’s program in Economics and Finance with Warwick University, Luiss alumnus Matteo Maggiori received a Ph.D. in Finance from the Haas School of Business at the University of California Berkeley.

Matteo began working in 2004 with a summer internship at JP Morgan. “I had just graduated and was back in London. The following years I did a master in Economics and Finance and worked at JP Morgan as a currency and global interest rates trader.”

Afterwards, he applied for a Ph.D. program with UC Berkley and began his academic career. With stops in New York and at Harvard, Matteo made his way back to California, becoming a professor at Stanford University.

In 2019, Maggiori was a recipient of the Carlo Alberto Medal, awarded to the most influential Italian economists under 40.

 “I made so many friends at Luiss, we are still a tight-knit group today. My first child was born just over a year ago and all my university friends were there, even those from Shanghai and London.”

At Luiss Maggiori also came across professors that inspired his academic career: “So many Italian students, including myself at the time, don’t understand what it means to be open. All you need is intellect and great curiosity.”

Matteo advises students interested in a similar career path to be curious and persistent and to “focus on the large and new problems of our times.”

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The Luiss alumnus discusses his career in the United States
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