Categoria News

Luiss Researcher Antonio Calcara won the Global Strategy PhD 2019 Prize, from the Egmon Royal Institute for International Relations and the European Security and Defense College (ESDC), for his thesis, entitled The Decision-Making Dilemma of Arms Procurement Policy.
"My work focused on cooperation projects in the field of European defense policy. It is a comparative study of four countries: Italy, France, Germany and Great Britain," explained Calcara. The jury, presided over by Professor Sven Biscop, appreciated the political relevance of the project and the innovative theory that looked at the issue from diifferent points of view: economic, security studies and international relations."
Calcara defended his thesis at Luiss in June 2019 after years of deep and structured research. " began my work in Rome in 2015. I then continued my studes in Norway thanks to a scholarship from the European Commission and, then, finally in Brussels where was able to do interviews and research directly in the field," added Calcara.
Antonio is currently a post-doc researcher with the Luiss Department of Political Science, a professor at the Vesalius College della Vrije Universiteit di Bruxelles and a visiting professor at SciencesPo in Paris. "My thesis will be published in March 2020. The award is an important recognition and it was worth all the hard work and sacrifice I put into it. My dream is to be a professor and to continue working in the academic world."
<p>The award went to his thesis, The Decision-Making Dilemma of Arms Procurement Policy</p>