RUS and the Sustainable Development Festival

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Luiss joined RUS (Rete delle Università per lo sviluppo sostenibile) in 2017. It participates in initiatives promoted by the network or to which the network adheres, which are addressed to Italian universities that are members. Among these, each year, Luiss:

  • participates in the “M’illumino di meno” initiative, promoted and conceived by Rai Radio’s Caterpillar radio program in favor of reducing energy consumption, together with the other universities in RUS;
  • participates in the RUS questionnaire aimed at mapping sustainable universities in Italy;
  • promotes initiatives aimed at university students on issues of environmental, social, and economic sustainability;
  • participates in training opportunities on sustainability promoted by the RUS.


Luiss is committed to sustainability and, like other member universities of RUS, participates in the ASviS Sustainable Development Festival to contribute to this cause. From 2018 to 2021, the University organized 102 events aimed at creating a platform for training, sharing, and disseminating information on sustainability issues according to the SDGs framework. These events were open to the community both inside and outside the University, and were organized in collaboration with local organizations. In 2020, Luiss hosted the national event dedicated to Goal 8, which focused on “Youth Employment Pact: A necessary challenge.”

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