Luiss receives new national funding with the Open Tech Lab Project

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Luiss is a proud partner of Open Tech Lab, working to create a cutting-edge center at Rome's Tiburtina train station. The project is a response to the Ministry of Economic Development's call to promote emerging 5G technologies.

The project, led by Rome Capital, will create a physical innovation space – Casa delle Tecnologie Emergenti – at Tiburtina Station, where teams of researchers, startups and SMEs can make proposals to develop, implement and bring to market solutions based on 5G, Internet of Things, Blockchain and Artificial Intelligence, as well as take part in technology transfer programs, informative workshops and networking activities with companies operating in the field.

In order to reach this goal, the Luiss team - led by Professor Christian Iaione from the Department of Law - will involve several Luiss research structures specialized in innovation and sustainability, such as LabGov.City, BILL and CLIO.

Open Tech Lab envisages strong synergy between the public and private actors, both in terms of consortium (the partnership includes representatives from public administration, universities, startups, certified incubators and business accelerators) and funding.

The project is fully sponsored by the Italian Ministry of Economic Development in partnership with external actors, such as Wind Tre, Acea, Tim, Huawei and Linkem

Nascondi per questa lingua
A project to create the Home for Emerging Technology at Rome's Tiburtina Station