#Luiss.MasterClasses are the latest conference series offered by the University, dedicated to the current global pandemic. Throughout May, a host of world renowned experts have been called to look at the health crisis through their specific lens and current research connected to the global Covid-19 pandemic and its repercussions.
All talks take place on Facebook LIVE.
Upcoming #Luiss.MasterClasses features:
Thursday, June 18 • 6:30PM
Nuccio Ordine, Professor of Italian Literature at Italy's Università della Calabria and Pier Cesare Rivoltella, Professor of Education Technologies for Teaching and Learning at the Università Cattolica di Milano and Director of CREMIT - Centro di Ricerca sull'Educazione ai Media all'Informazione e alla Tecnologia [Research Center for Media and Tech Education].
Luiss Rector, Andrea Prencipe, will present the speakers and Luiss Professor, Simona Romani will moderate the event. General Director of Luiss, Giovanni Lo Storto will provide closing remarks.
On March 16, our 17th talk was held. Guest speakers were Terri Griffith, Keith Beedie Chair in Innovation and Entrepreneurship (Simon Fraser University, Beedie School of Business) and Marco Morelli, former CEO of Italy's Monte dei Paschi di Siena bank. Andrea Prencipe opened the session while Luiss Professor, Luca Giustiniano moderated the event.
"To rework our entire organizations, we need to think of work crafting as a sort of negotiation based on the 5 T's: target, tools, technique, talent and times," affirmed Terri Griffith.
Marco Morelli brought his insight into the discussion, stating, "The main lesson coming out of this crisis is that we were forced to re-visit our communications output and actions. We gained access to vast numbers of people we never would have prior to the pandemic and working along traditional communications modes."