Luiss graduate Paolo Buonvino first pursued a Bachelor’s degree in Political Science and then a Master’s degree in International Management. Following his studies, he began working in the world of multinationals, specializing in human resources. From the beginning of the pandemic, however, Paolo has reconnected with the civil and social aspects of his time at the University: “Luiss gave me two things: a global vision of the world’s problems and an awareness of how social processes are changing.”
After six years working for multinationals, Paolo decided to change paths and enter the public sector. Following a Luiss webinar on social entrepreneurism, he discovered Teach For Italy and was immediately passionate about the program. “It’s an NGO that collaborates with the Ministry of Education, with important foundations in the scholastic sector and private benefactors to target educational inequality in Italy,” explains the alumnus. Teach for Italy is part of a global network of 54 nearly identical associations in which people from outside the world of education join in to make radical changes.
When Paolo looks back on his time at Luiss, he best remembers the infinite opportunities to dialogue with other students, professors and professionals. “Luiss puts students at the center to allow them to create their own networks that go beyond graduation.”
To students starting their university careers now, Paolo offers the following advice: “Approach every opportunity with the conviction it will work. In life, we have to believe that hard work and perseverance pay off.”
Aware of the importance of investing abilities and resources to improve the society we live in, in the future, Paolo would like to continue working with people, perhaps as a teacher or school administrator, and have direct contact with students.”