What can Luiss do for Ukraine?

Submitted by Redattore on
Categoria News

The feeling of helplessness as individuals in the face of the current context in Ukraine is overwhelming. In this regard, the University launches a proposal in line with the values of its community.

Luiss is open, connected, and responsible.

Luiss is open because it encourages youth generation to develop a cosmopolitan mindset. It is connected because it is convinced that there are no distant events that cannot concern us. It is responsible because it is aware of the great challenges lying ahead of us.

For these reasons, we invite you to reflect, engage in discussions with peers and beyond, and use your skills and expertise to develop ideas on how to help the Ukrainian people during this emergency.

We await your projects by tomorrow. You can send them via email at think4ucraina@luiss.it. We are certaint hat your ideas will be a response to what is happening, hence the best antidote to feeling helpless in the face of the images coming from Ukraine.

In response to the emergency situation, we also activated two campaigns aimed at supporting the Ukrainian population.

Here you can find about the Crowdfunding initiative. We invite you to join the campaign that we promote together with our Graduates Association.

Donate now

In addition, we set up collection points for linen, blankets, sheets, and winter clothes in good conditions for adults and children at the Viale Romania, Viale Pola, and Via Parenzo Campuses. Collection points are open from Monday to Sunday between 8.00am and 7.00pm. 

In parallel, Luiss is identifying reception facilities for Ukrainian citizens who are leaving and will leave the country.

Finally, the university’s teaching and staff will be invited to contribute one or more hours of their working day to the establishment of a solidarity fund for the Ukrainian population. 

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