Internationalize your education from home, participate in the Online Exchange Initiative!

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Have you always wanted to participate in an exchange abroad but for a reason or another you do not feel like leaving? You work and cannot get away from Rome for a whole semester? You were about to go abroad for an exchange, but the current world situation prevented you from it?


To cope with these and other needs, Luiss together with its partners of the ENGAGE.EU alliance (University of Mannheim, NHH Norwegian School of Economics, Tilburg University, University of National and World Economy, University Toulouse 1 Capitole, and WU Vienna University of Economics and Business), has launched a virtual mobility program.


Within such initiative, during the first semester of the academic year 2022-2023, students from the Business and Management, Economics and Finance and Law Departments will have the opportunity to attend a selection of online courses at partner universities receiving recognition while being able to continue their studies at Luiss at the same time.


Join an international virtual class! Take advantage of this international study opportunity to exchange ideas with students from other countries and to enrich your educational path!


Further information

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